Almost Complete...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
🖤[TIME SENSITIVE] A place where money caliberation happens every day...🧲

🌙Past few days I have been doing something behind the scene and experienced something from working with so many next level women, men and peers in the industry and I thought I will share that experience with my clients too.. it's going to be frickin exciting... 

🥂This thing changed my thinking and opened up so many potential possibilities of making money in my business. While it is very practical in the way I lead you through it, it's also a place where money magic happens every day. 🌙

🥂I loved the every bit of the experience and I can't wait for my women to experience it. 💫

💫It is a "money vortex" that I am inviting only my email list first to experience it. It's a 10 day program with me in a closer container. When you're in this 10 day challenge, you become a magnet 🧲 to money 💰 in such a way that you feel as though you're in a money vortex. I am going to help you unleash your money earning capability so you are spiralling up in sales. 💫

🥂It's so much of energy in this vortex. It's more about how you feel when you're learning inside of it.... and in this container, the money energy is SUPER CONTAGIOUS. 🔥💫

That's why it works.🥂

🧲It's the most powerful program I can feel in my bones is my next. 

🧲People need to learn this, so they unleash many deeper money codes. 💫

And now, I have something that may have just topped it.🥂

🌙This is... The Money Vortex Micromind.🖤

💰I'll be leading you through my concepts of waking up to money in the next 10 days but... with a twist.🖤

💰 You can spend 10 days in the micromind and learn my money unlock concepts, plus receive personalized coaching & Q&A opportunities with me from Day 6-10. The price increases by $111 every day until it reaches $1111

💰The price will increase EVERY DAY at 4 pm AEST, until Sunday, the 16th.💰

We begin Monday, January 17th.💰

This is going to be so much fun!! 🤍🤍🥂

🖤🖤🤍Please Note: This is not part of Experience, or Signature or Elites, or any of my programs as this is an intense 10day voxer micromind. Participation involves purchase. 🤍🖤🖤

📥 DM for the link to register for the 10-day micromind

If you’re on my email list you have the link there otherwise.🖤

When you understand the energy & the strategy of attracting the money you become magnetic, and your business will RISE.📈

🔮You experience way more sales..
🔮You have a larger number of return clients..
🔮Your offers start attracting more people..
🔮You start making a lot more money..
🔮You get more audience from everywhere.
For A Very Limited Time 
cash codes
Step 1: Contact
2 payments of $188

All prices are in USD

Pay via PayPal (Pay in Full)


Pay via PayPal (2 x Monthly Payment Plan)

I have read and agree to the terms of purchase.
Here's What You'll Get: 
  • Voxer micromind in making money, get high money energy in a close proximity and home work
  • ​Daily voxer drop ins to unblock you money codes
  • ​Action items daily, and homework everyday to make you turn into a higher vibrating money goddess. 
  • ​Get faster transformation within days, voxer is only available to my ELITES and above, but here you get that !
What You'll learn: 
No videos in this program 
It’s an intimate and intense mastermind for 10 straight days direct with me in a voxer group chat(like WhatsApp). And I drop in daily riffs unlocking cash codes, about sales, money, and homework daily 1-10 days

And day 5-10 is Q&A opportunity with me 🥳

Note: Voxer is normally for my Elite and Private clients who pay $3333+ a month and $20k a month to get me on voxer. You get me for 10 days in a closed container with daily homework to unlock your cash codes.

Need help? We're just an email away!

What my clients are saying
"Super-Rad Testimonial Videos :-)"
These are a few of our clients... we just got these videos from them and it'll be insightful for you... 

Carrie made $17,155 USD in her coaching sales in our first 30 days of working. Made more than her ROI in 19days and put lot of money in her pocket with simple strategies.

Rashmi got selected in TEDx. It's HUGE!

Lydie made $9339 in less than 3 weeks

Lydie Binil made more than $9339+ in 3 weeks with a small group of 100+

Catherine went from $2k months to $30,000 months!!!

Rashmi had a $6000+ day!!!

Poornima got 50 hot hot organic leads from just one post!!!!

Lydia made her first high-ticket client less than 2 weeks.!!!

Sneha made her return on investment with in 16 days!!!

Poornima made $4890+ USD in 3 months which is $7500+ AUD as a brand new entrepreneur!!!

Arki closed $1500+ client over a coffee as a brand new entrepreneur!!

Rashmi got excited waking up to $6k client

The joy of signing first client

© 2020 - Millionaire Entrepreneurs -  All Rights Reserved.
Akhilla Kakivai can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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